Lately, this way of being- delaying, postponing, hesitating, stalling, or dilly-dallying have been taking over my well intentions. Do you…

Sep 22, 2021
Being perfect! Did you grow up hearing, “why can’t you get it right?” “Why can’t you be perfect like _______ fill in the blank?” I grew…

Sep 15, 2021
I was sitting at the little table in the 410 Diner with a woman I really didn’t know well. She was asking me questions about what I did,…

Sep 04, 2021
This is an amazing topic, overwhelm! What is overwhelming in my life? I equate it with stress or pressure. It shows up with work…

Sep 02, 2021
Gail Here! Hello and thank you for stopping by! Let me tell you a bit about me. I’m a wife, step-mom, sister, auntie, and daughter. I’m…

Aug 18, 2021
Dad ~ It’s just an old metal building now. Not much looks different from 50 years ago. Has it been that long ago? Seems like the world…